
Therapeutic Services

We help families heal and restore: Individual, Marriage, Family, Group Counseling, Support groups. Co dependency, Trauma, Abuse, Depression, Suicide, Attachment and loss, Personality disorders; experience working with families who have been/are apart of Social Services and Juvenile Probation

Mental Health Education Forums

Focus on relationship building and strengthening those connections within the family; addressing prevention, Intervention, Psycho Education, and Resources

Family Restoration and Reconciliation

Family Restoration and Reconciliation is the heart of Kingdom Family Resources. Where families have been separated due to removal from home (Foster Care Youth/Adoption), Incarceration, or Estrangement, we locate family members, facilitate a process of reuniting the family, and provide the reconciliation support needed, so the relationship can be sustained and remain intact. We have private investigators, search agents, and trained therapist to help fulfill the longing of finding family and making the connection a reality.

Our Vision

Restore a Heart, Restore a Family, Transform Lives for a Lifetime